Geometric Studies Album
- World Circle ink
- Spiralling Squares
- dodecahedron
- dodecahedron
- icosahedron
- icosahedron
- icosahedron
- icosahedron, octahedron, tetrahedron models
- unicursal hexagram model found within the octahedron
- unicursal hexagram model found within the octahedron
- unicursal hexagram model found within the octahedron
- unicursal hexagram model found within the octahedron
- unicursal hexagram model found within the octahedron
- unicursal hexagram model found within the octahedron
- tetrahedron
- dodecahedron, star
- nested platonic solids
- 2012-07-18 20.48.34
- root 2 growth
- Root 5 study
- double square study
- cubic study, root 3
- expanding squares root 2
- transformation of geometric shapes (taken from Keith Critchlow)
- pentagonal growth sequence
- fivefold growth
- fivefold reciprocation
- double vesica, circle squared and pentagon
- spiraling growth starting with the double square rectangle
- spiraling growth
- islamic patterns study
- islamic patterns study
- squares and circles study
- 7 fold chalice
- Islamic pattern 5-10-fold
- Cubeoctahedron
- study, Islamic pattern
- study, Islamic pattern
- study, Islamic pattern
- Self-inquiry